Whilst our arable neighbours are enjoying watching their cereal crops growing slowly, from the comfort of their Land Rovers, we are gearing up for the willow harvest.
This year we are mechanising to a record extent. A power scythe joins the clearing saw to reduce the ridiculous time we have spent cutting willow in the past. That’s a good feeling although the sorting process will be slower.
Even with all this petrol power, there are a few varieties that will be cut with secateurs; the likes of Norbury and Leicestershire Dicks are a bit fine and we don’t want to damage them. So perhaps spare a thought for us on our hands and knees this week. Actually we aren’t looking for sympathy, even though it’s cold and the work’s hard, there are lots of worse things to be doing.
The willow’s looking good this year (with a few exceptions), so in a couple of weeks, it will be sorted, bundled and in the barn; or even better, sold. If you’re after willow, let us know soon; it’s going fast.