Jane offers occasional training sessions for anyone who might like to have a go at storytelling without a book. Each year we run one session in our own beautiful wood in Bedfordshire, which is open to all. Jane can also run bespoke days for organisations where several people wish to take part. These can take place at our venue or another to suit the client.
Currently there are no dates planned at Bottoms’ Corner. If you’d like Jane to run a day for a group, either at your venue or ours, please contact us
Storytelling in the Woods
A sense of wonder needs to be part of every wildlife session with children (and adults). The natural world provides countless amazing and wonderful factual and scientific stories, but there’s room for imagination too.
This day is designed for anyone who works with children in an outdoor setting and/or would like to take the first steps towards telling a story themselves. Whether you are helping children discover their local wildlife or working to develop speaking, listening and creative writing skills with young people, this course is for you.
The day will include: how to use stories within an activity session – looking at stories to start activities, story walks, trails and themed sessions; traditional tales, how they can be used in an environmental setting; treasure boxes – how to encourage imagination and discovery; discovering stories from natural treasures, improvisation through fabulous fibs; and much more.
It’s a friendly, fun and safe day that will send you home with a head full of ideas. Try something that could change your life!

A day of action as well as fun and learning
Course tutor – Jane Lambourne of Wassledine. To find out more about Jane and her storytelling experience, click here or take a look at her storytelling pages
The venue – Bottoms’ Corner Wood is part of the Wassledine farm. It’s a beautiful working hazel woodland, tucked away in the Bedfordshire countryside. Its tranquility will help to part you from the everyday and focus on something unusual and special. There is a walk of about 300 metres from the car park to the site venue, along grass tracks that are fairly rough and include some slopes. If you feel this would be difficult for you, please contact us as we may be able to help.
Facilities are fairly basic but perfectly usable
Cost £65 (includes course fee, all materials, tea, coffee, fruit and cake)

Creating a natural theatre