Project: Supply Teaching
Venue: Rushmere Country Park, Wadelows Nature Reserve and Maulden Woods, Bedfordshire
Client: The Greensand Trust, Beds
Date: May to July 2013 and 2014
Description: Jane has been teaching for the Greensand Trust Education team, leading minibeast hunts, map activities, sensory walks and habitat adventures for local school and home education groups. Also Jane has developed a tree investigation programme: “What is a Tree?”
“Thank you Jane very much for a successful trip to Rushmere. Our class thoroughly enjoyed it!” Year 2 teacher Westoning Lower School
Project: Children’s Book Week
Venue: School hall
Client: Shillington Lower School, Beds
Date: October 2013
Description: To celebrate Children’s Book week Jane spent a day in Shillington Lower School telling stories to all year groups from Early Years Foundation stage to Year 4. Interactive tales were told, games were played and fabulous fibs created from the contents of Jane’s treasure box and the children’s imaginations.
Project: Clapham Millennium Park Education Pack
Venue: Clapham Millennium Park, Bedfordshire
Client: King George V Playing Field Trust
Date: Autumn 2012

Education pack developed for Clapham Millennium Park
Description: For Clapham Millennium Park, Jane designed and produced an education pack for use by the Pre- School and Lower School. The pack comprised two elements: equipment for wildlife activities and stories themed on the park’s wooden sculptures. The education pack had four seasonal story sacks containing stories written by Jane; spotter sheets and a park map (illustrated by Claire Woodward), together with a set of character puppets.
Project: World Book Day
Venue: Schools in Bedfordshire & Luton
Client: Local Primary/Lower Schools
Date: 2012-2009
Description: To celebrate World Book Day Jane has delivered storytelling performances to audiences of reception children up to Year 6 in the following schools: Shillington Lower, Sacred Heart Primary and Southill Lower Schools.
“Thank you so much for the wonderful storytelling on World Book Day. The children really enjoyed themselves and can still remember the stories two weeks on. Swifts and Swallows classes have written letters for you“. Teacher
“Dear Jane, I loved the stories you told us – thank you. My favourite was about the farm and the dragon that was going to eat the cattle. I have made my own treasure box. I have also made my own fabulous fib. It’s about half a dinosaur egg I found in my garden shed“. Megan
Project: Creative Partnerships Project
Venue: School grounds and Stockwood Discovery Centre, Luton
Client: Farley Junior School, Luton
Date: Spring 2011

Time travel pass developed for Farley Hill School, Luton
Description: Farley Junior School’s Creative Partnerships project focused on the use of school grounds and local neighbourhood as the inspiration for stories. Jane worked with four different year groups on projects that included Celtic quests, imaginary worlds, Farley’s history and special objects. Jane led the children on adventures in the school grounds and Stockwood Discovery Centre, held workshops in the school hall and classrooms, working on a variety of ways for children to develop and present their own stories.
“Just want to say, that I enjoyed working alongside you and learning more about storytelling. I am sure it will be an experience that the children will always remember.” Year 5 Teacher
“That’s fantastic, thank you [for the project resources]. I’m looking forward to using them all next year. Thanks again for all your hard work.” Year 4 Teacher
Project: Creative Partnerships Project
Venue: School grounds, Hughenden Manor and Wendover Woods, Buckinghamshire
Client: Chepping View Primary School, High Wycombe
Date: Spring 2010 & 2011

Learning’s better in the woods
Description: In 2010 Jane worked with children and staff on creative writing projects. Through a mixture of storytelling, outdoor adventure, workshops and activities children created their own stories or retold a story in their own words. Year 2 explored the winter stories of a meadow and searched for spring in Wendover Woods. Year 3 became detectives solving the mystery of “The Bird Man” in the meadow, extending their detective project to Hughenden Manor.
In 2011 Jane helped staff to explore further the outdoor learning opportunities of the school meadow. Year 1’s theme of Iron Age homes was taken into the meadow, children enjoyed story activities and cooking breadsticks over a fire. Year 3 discovered Ancient Greece in the meadow through story, role play and activities, and then took part in outdoor theatre, performing stories of Persephone and King Midas.
Previously, Jane also worked with Year 6 on Creative Partnerships projects called “We do like to be Beside the Seaside” and with Year 5 at the Pitt Rivers Museum.
“Thank you for all of your hard work and great ideas and activities. I hope that we can continue to find funding to work with you again in the future” Year 1 teacher.
“Thank you very much for all your brilliant ideas.” Year 3 teacher
Project: Take One Picture
Venue: In school and Barton Hills Nature Reserve, Bedfordshire
Client: Arnold Middle School, Barton le Clay
Date: May 2010
Description: As part of the school’s enrichment week for Year 5 and 6 focusing on The National Gallery’s “Take one picture” scheme, Jane was asked to bring alive the story of “Tobias and the Angel”. (A painting by the workshop of Andrea del Verrochio 1470- 80) This started with a storytelling performance exploring themes from the painting of angels, journeys, merchants and healing followed by walks exploring Barton Hills National Nature Reserve. On the nature reserve pupils journeyed over the hills, and with Jane, heard stories, created fabulous fibs and discovered some folk lore and uses of plants. Back at school workshops sessions were held for pupils to create their own story of a journey before hearing the story of Tobias and the Angel.
“Thank you so much for a wonderful day. Our chaotic start didn’t phase you in the least and I really am grateful to you for taking it all in your stride. The story telling was spell-binding and the walk was perfect. Looking forward so much to tomorrow – and hoping for the same friendly weather conditions!”
Year 5 Teacher, Arnold Middle School