Hazel pea sticks stockpiled in the wood, ready for bundling
We’ve cut more hazel in Bottoms’ Corner this winter than ever before and that means there are vast amounts of pea sticks to be bundled and sold. Good news for us because we are receiving orders for large numbers from commercial gardens. It seems that word is getting around the gardening world about hazel as a top stick to support all manner of plants.
These commercial gardeners may be using a few pea sticks to support peas but their main interest is in the massive herbaceous borders that many of them look after. Pea sticks get used to create supports for perennial plants – the likes of Geraniums and Asters that grow tall during the summer and can get knocked down, often by a combination of wind and rain. That can be a bit of a disaster if you live and die professionally by what is often this show-case part of the garden. A cage of pea sticks, put in during March or April, is subtle and unobtrusive. By mid-June it will have virtually disappeared, obscured by the plants growing through it.
We sell hazel pea sticks in bundles of 15 at £6.90 or in bulk in bundles of 50 at £20 (minimum order 2 bundles). Visit https://wassledine.co.uk/hazel/ for more information.