Daily feeding of hay and straw in the field is now underway and although we know this will last for only a matter of days, it is a bit of a pain. Not wanting to drive across the ground every day we are wheelbarrowing feed across one field – not exactly a brilliant solution in terms of time and motion! One way to speed things up would be to acquire a very exciting low ground pressure vehicle which would sweep us across soft ground on the farm in grand style. It’s probably a good thing that that’s never going to happen – I can imagine enjoying racing about rather too much. The exercise we’re getting now is good for us and at least we’re going downhill with the load. I’ll add that vehicle to the wish list along with a sawmill, new tractor, i-phone…
Sounds like there’s rain on the way later today and if it lasts and is heavy, it could be that the herd will be inside by the end of the week. And then we will be feeding twice a day. At least then, we won’t need to move feed more than a few metres.